Blanket Fort City

September 3 - September 30

Blanket Fort City is a landscape that explores the works of Mel Bleecker, Ernesto Cabral, Callum Donovan-Grujicich, Emma Ducharme, Carmen Mahave, Bianca Nam, Byori Seo, Carson Van Vliet, and Sohyun Yoon. 

BFC is an immersive environment where works converge and interact. It provides a space for experiential collaboration, inviting visitors to engage with the artworks and explore themes such as nostalgia, play, memory, alternative mark-making and human perception. The central fort installation fosters a communal experience that strengthens the connection between the works and encourages reflection on the shared experience. BFC is a collaborative bridge that weaves the artists' explorations and invites viewers to participate in a collective exploration of these themes.

Image: Callum Donovan-Grujicich , Pastoral Scene 2023

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